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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Your Personal Brand

How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself simply as _______ (insert your name here)? Or as a function of what you do/can do? Do you see yourself as a sum of all your abilities, talents, skills and experience? Or no?

If you met someone new and you were to introduce yourself, what would you say? would it sound something like this "My name is Mr. Goodwillhunting, and I'm a hunter"? or "My name is Mrs. Madetomarket, I'm a marketing executive with M2M advertising agency"? Does this sound like you?

I had a conversation earlier today, and that is where I got the motivation for this post. I've realised that many of us do not see the need to promote ourselves as a brand. We do not even realise that we are brands. I am a brand, you are a brand, and you'd better start seeing yourself as one.

This is just an introduction for tomorrow's post. We will be discussing promoting our personal brands tomorrow.

Have a nice day/evening/night, whichever applies to you, and thank you for stopping by.

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